Wake Up Wells Community Day
The Big Picnic 2021

Wake Up Wells Community Day - the Big Picnic
Saturday 24th July 2021, 11am to 4pm
Project Factory was joined by Wells Cathedral, Bishop's Palace, Rotary Club of Wells, Fresh and Good and funded by the National Lottery Community Fund to bring you a celebration to mark the relaxation of lockdown regulations - a Big Picnic!
Come into Wells between 11am and 4pm on Saturday 24th July, picnic baskets at the ready, and strike up a conversation with someone new whilst you enjoy a range of information stalls, have-a-go experiences, a village fete, entertainment, music and food. Keep an eye on our social media channels for timings. @wakeupwells @projectfactorycic
What’s happening on Community Day?
Inside Wells Cathedral
Over 50 local organisations and clubs will be exhibiting and hope to recruit new members.
Performances: Tina, the Pom Pom lady will be waking everyone up with the Great British Shake Off followed by Wookey Hole Circus, Drum Together, the Beetlecrushers Clog Dancers (cancelled), Somerset Chamber Choir and the Wells Amateur Bellringing Society.
Family workshops: Djembe drumming in the Camery Garden, Christmas in July in the Cloisters -a drop-in family workshop to make some Christmas decorations for the Cathedral - and the chance to make a mosaic leaf with Ruth Ames-White who will be showing the progress she has made on Wells in Mosaic.
Mosaic workshops are at 11am, 12.30pm and 3pm and will cost £5 to cover materials. Booking is essential.
Refreshments in the Camery Garden and/or the Cathedral Café
Outside on Cathedral Green
Wells Rotary is hosting a country fete with have-a-go activity stalls such as a coconut shy, circus skills with Wookey Hole Circus, pig racing with Wells Lions, tombolas, face painting and a country dancing demonstration.
Enjoy some live music while you eat, hosted by Wellspring Music Recovery Group and featuring Wells City Band, Glastonbury Male Voice Choir, ZZ Birmingham Blues Band, The Portraits and Wells Jazz Collective with sound engineering by Glastonbury FM.
Mendip Community Police will also be bike marking. And look out for Gert and Daisy from Wells Museum wafting around the City telling stories of their life ‘below stairs’ at the Swan Hotel and a see a short outdoor pop up play “The Monmouth Pageant” with Wells Civic Society.
Edgar Phillips, artist-in-residence at the Bishop’s Palace, will be installing his rainbow Wings of the North West Corner for the day. So pop along and have your photo taken in front of them.
Elsewhere in Wells
Wells Cathedral School’s Quilter Hall will be open for Samba Percussion "have a go" sessions with Alex Henshaw from 11.30-12.30 and 2.00-3.00. Suitable for all ages. Families can sign up outside Quilter Hall on the day - first come first served!
Wells and Mendip Museum is open for free for one day only. Explore the natural history, geology and heritage of Wells and the Mendip Hills and have your picnic in the garden.
At the Bishop’s Palace and Gardens there will be four outdoor performances for children, The Magic Garden (for younger children) and Robin Hood (for older children) each performing twice. These will be on the Southlawn and are free for members and ticket holders. For non-ticket holders the croquet lawn will be open from lunchtime so people can bring along their own picnic.