Spare a penny or two?
If you would like to make a donation by BACS (no PayPal or website charges) - please use the following bank details:
Account name: Project Factory CIC
Lloyds Bank
Sort code 30-98-97
Account no. 77040368
Please do send an email to so we can acknowledge your kind donation and keep you informed of special events and activities.
Cheques can be made payable to:
Project Factory CIC c/o Launcherley Farm, Wells, BA5 1QJ
If you would like to make a donation by BACS (no Paypal or website charges) - please use the following bank details:
Account name: Project Factory CIC
Lloyds Bank
Sort code 30-98-97
Account no. 30014062
Please do send an email to so we can acknowledge your kind donation and keep you informed of special events and activities.
Cheques can be made payable to:
Project Factory CIC c/o Launcherley Farm, Wells, BA5 1QJ
Prefer to donate to a specific Project?
We completely appreciate that some people prefer to donate to a specific project that has meaning to them.
We are more than happy to ensure that your donation is tied to your chosen project.
Please simply click on your chosen project below and complete the form or online donations process and if you have any questions, queries of concerns then please don’t hesitate to get in touch.