Projects during a pandemic.
Wells City Council and Project Factory CIC are organising a lockdown-friendly community bunting making project called Sew Buntiful Wells, which we hope will prove the perfect tonic to those long winter days spent at home.
Rediscover and repurpose all those old clothes, pieces of fabric that have been lying unloved in boxes and drawers, bedding that’s seen better days, knitting or crochet squares and more and create beautiful swags of bunting to grace the windows of your home. Not only will all the stitching handy work keep you busy, but you’ll be showing your support for the community of Wells and cheering up your neighbours with your beautiful creations too, no doubt!
The colourful bunting will be on display in Wells City Centre and surrounding areas some time during the Easter holidays (lockdown regulations permitting). So, you’ve got until the end of March to make a swag of bunting yourself and find somewhere to hang it pride of place for the whole community to enjoy!
There are prizes for the best children’s bunting, most creative bunting and more…